The Tortoise and the Eagle with Morals – Download PDF Copy

Once there lived a wise old turtle named Timmy in a big forest. Timmy was slow but very smart. He loved exploring every inch of the forest, even though it took him forever to get anywhere.

One sunny day, while Timmy was taking a slow walk, he noticed a magnificent eagle named Eddie soaring high above the trees. Eddie was fast, strong, and had sharp eyesight. Timmy looked up and waved at Eddie, but Eddie was too busy flying and showing off his skills.

Timmy thought to himself, “I wish I could fly like Eddie. Then I could see the whole forest in a moment!” So he called out to Eddie: “Hey, Eddie! Can you teach me to fly?”

Eddie laughed and replied, “Sorry, Timmy. Flying is for birds like me. You are a turtle; you are meant to walk the earth.”

But Timmy was determined. He begged and begged until finally, Eddie agreed to teach him. Eddie literally took Timmy under his wing and began to teach him how to fly.

Timmy tried and tried, but no matter how much he waved his arms, he could not get off the ground. Eddie watched patiently, trying to encourage Timmy, but it was no use.

After many failed attempts, Timmy sighed and said, “I don’t think I’ll ever be able to fly like you, Eddie.”

Eddie nodded sympathetically and said, “Don’t be sad, Timmy. You may not be able to fly, but you have other wonderful qualities. You are smart, patient, and determined. Those are qualities that make you special in your own way.”

Timmy smiled, realizing that Eddie was right. He may not have been able to fly, but he was still a wise old turtle who knew how to explore the forest and share his knowledge with others.

From that day forward, Timmy accepted who he was and continued to explore the forest, sharing his wisdom with all the creatures he met.

Moral of the story: The moral of the story is that everyone is unique and special in their own way. Instead of trying to be someone else, embrace who you are and use your strengths to make the world a better place.

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