Short Story of The Fisherman And His Wife with Morals – Download PDF Copy

Once upon a time, there lived a friendly fisherman and his wife in a small seaside village. The fisherman was content with his simple life and spent his days casting his net into the sparkling blue water, hoping for a good catch to feed his family. However, his wife always dreamed of a life full of luxury and glory.

One sunny morning, when the fisherman drew his net, he found a shining golden fish caught in it. To his astonishment, the fish spoke with a human voice: “Let me go, kind fisherman, and I will grant you a wish.”

The fisherman was surprised, but he had a tender heart. “Fish, I don’t need anything more. You’re free to go,” he said, and released the fish back into the ocean.

When he told his wife about the encounter, she was furious. “Go back and ask the fish for a comfortable cabin to replace our old broken one!” she demanded.

The fisherman hesitantly went to the sea and called for the golden fish. The fish appeared and accepted his request. The fisherman returned home to find a beautiful little house where their old cabin once stood. But soon, his wife wanted more.

“Ask the fish for a mighty castle,” she demanded. The friendly fisherman did as she wished, and the fish fulfilled his request. But the woman’s greed grew with each new desire. Soon, she demanded to become queen, and then empress, and each time the golden fish granted her wish.

Finally, she insisted: “I want to be the ruler of the sea and command the fish and the weather.” Reluctantly, the fisherman went to the sea again and called the golden fish.

This time the sea roared, and the sky darkened as the fish appeared. “Your greed knows no bounds,” said the golden fish. “That’s why you will have nothing!” In the blink of an eye, the great castle, luxurious clothes, and all the wealth disappeared. The fisherman and his wife were back in their old broken cabin.

The fisherman and his wife learned that happiness does not come from greed or having more than you need, but from being content with what you have.

Moral of the Story: Greed leads to nothing, contentment brings everything.

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